Friday, December 11, 2009
I thought I could FLY
Turns out I don't get that instinct, damn it!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
May I?
End of the STORY?
This was a horrible announcement. Such a looser am I. We are still friends for good.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Hello there~See you again.
Long time no see, my friends...
Whether you've followed my sluggish blog or not, I am now announcing "I am back!" Super Chiu is ready for the rescue. : )
So this old lady I meet her every now and then at the same corner of 39th st. and 9th Ave. She always wears the same outfit and does the same thing – eating a bagel and drinking a cup of hot coffee. She becomes a target of R/GAer's observation. I would like to meet her in this scorching summer. If she still wears the same coat, I will simply regard her as the goddess of ...breakfast.
I also wondered if she's been waiting for someone or it's her ceremony to mourn someone she'd had deep memory up here.
Hope to see you again soon!