Friday, July 13, 2007


It was hot today.

Ponderings have been few and far between. Want to know why? It doesn't really matter. Suffice it to say I lost my way, for various reasons.

I had a nice trip to DC lately that reminded me how to see, feel, hear, experience, absorb, slow down and not to think. Also, it gave me a short and sweet glimpse of how things can be. But back to the daily routine, try as I might to hold onto those lessons, I couldn't. The contrast between known elements, between the two sides of the same coin became a bit overwhelming. I worry about my ability to dream AND do. There seems to be some rust on the gearworks (which is not necessarily a bad thing, I have an aesthetic appreciation for rust, but not when it brings the machinery to a halt from disuse).

Getting the ideas out of my head (however insignificant, the ideas I mean, not my head) is a start to making stuff again. The start, that's the hard part, getting past the inertia and excuses and challenges and just MOVING. Mark-making leads to drawing, drawing to painting, painting to painting on things, so of course then one needs to make/build/assemble/alter things to be painted on, and all the better if they whirl, spray, rattle, move about...

"Random displays of seemingly pointless activities..."

But as necessary to Life for some of us as food, water and air.

Have some limeade. It's hot.